Free CV, Resume Templates
Job Nexus is happy to announce that our curated CV and resume templates are free.
One of the most common questions we receive from job seekers is, in short, “is my CV good enough?”. It is a logical question to ask before submitting your CV or resume to Job Nexus to circulate to recruiting agencies and hopefully put you well on the path to finding a job.
There are many websites that will charge you for CV or resume templates in formats you can use. There are entire businesses predicted on you paying for this seemingly simple tool. We found this rather repugnant and felt that these should be available to everyone.
CV, Resume Templates are Free
Thus, Job Nexus is happy to announce that our curated CV and resume templates are free. You can download them in Microsoft Word format or Google Drive format at your convenience.
In the current job search environment, CV’s / resumes are read by both machines and humans. We recommend to everyone to write for both to maximize your chances of success in your job search.
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Career Profiles: Training and Development Specialist
One of the most common questions we receive from job seekers is, in short, “is...