
10 Body Language Tips to Impress at Your Next Job Interview

What Exactly is Body Language?

Body language is how you express your emotions through your posture, gestures, facial expressions, and movements. It’s usually subconscious, but you can control it and project confidence to all those around you with practice.

Why is Body Language Important in Interviews?

Your body language communicates your emotions to the interviewer during a job interview. Specific movements and body positions elicit negative emotions such as nervousness or disdain, whereas others elicit interest and ease.

If you use neutral or positive body language, the interviewer will focus on what you’re saying rather than how you look. If the interviewer can efficiently process what you are saying, you are more likely to be called back with a job offer. Leaning in isn’t just a symbolic way of getting ahead.

Job interviews are notoriously tricky tightrope walks. You want to be self-assured but not arrogant; intelligent but not arrogant. Trying to strike a balance while also explaining why you deserve the job is difficult but not impossible.

Because most hiring managers decide in less than a minute whether or not to hire someone, you may have the most impressive resume editing and experience, but you may not be the best fit for the role. But it’s your body language that’s making the decisions. And it is your confidence that will land you the job you are interviewing for.

The key to a successful interview is your body language. You already know that our body posture accounts for the 55% of our interaction, the 38% of our tone of voice, and only 7% of our actual spoken words.

In a job interview, your body language should convey that you are a confident, positive, and capable individual.

We’ll go over 10 body language tips below to help you control your job interview body language:

1) Always dress confidently

Your attire reveals a lot about you as a candidate. It’s critical to have a well-groomed appearance, including clean shoes, combed hair, and wrinkle-free clothing. This will enable you to make an excellent first impression on the interviewer from the moment they see you. It will also boost your self-esteem.

2) Make Remarkable Entry

Radiate confidence even before the interview begins. You want anyone you meet before or after your interview to get the impression that you’re confident and self-assured. Before you walk in, put your phone, sunglasses, car keys, and anything else you’re carrying away, so you appear polished and composed.

To alleviate any nervousness, pause for a moment before entering, breathe deeply and visualize a room full of people who adore you and recognize your true worth. Then enter.

3) Be aware of your body language while waiting

When asked to sit and wait for the hiring manager, be mindful of the message you are sending with your nonverbal communication. Sit back in your chair, chest open and upper body straight, to communicate to anyone in the room that you’re confident and assertive. Overall, maintain good posture while standing and walking in the waiting area.

4) Keep an upright posture

Keep your back straight, and your chin parallels to the ground. Sitting upright and back in your seat or, if you prefer, on the edge of your chair. You can sit on the edge of a chair and give the impression that you care about what the passionate interviewer has to say about the position. Avoid leaning in too close to the interviewer, however.

5) Observe your surroundings

Even if you haven’t met your interviewer yet, the receptionist or potential future co-workers may be keeping an eye on you.

6) The Interview Kick-Off: The Handshake

The handshake will most likely be your only physical contact with the interviewer. Handshakes, according to studies, play a significant role in first impressions, so make it count. Your shake should not be bone-crushing or limp like a limp fish. Aim for a firm handshake, and while shaking, make eye contact and smile.

7) Let the company representative take the authority

Another time to be aware of your body language is walking to the hiring manager’s office or conference room for the interview. Allow the interviewer or their assistant to take the lead and walk behind them until you reach your destination. Observe their demeanor and tempo while walking and try to mimic them. As much as possible, try to convey the impression that you will fit right in. Keep your shoulders back, and your neck elongated as you walk. Each stride should be one or two feet wide.

8) Replicate the hiring manager’s movements

Recreating the interviewer’s movements and mannerisms can help them trust us more easily. However, because you want it to happen naturally, use mirroring with caution. Mirroring, when used correctly, is an excellent way to establish rapport. If you’re nervous, try to concentrate on your breathing.

When the interviewer questions you about some topic, take a deep breath and respond on the exhale. While first impressions are essential, interviewers will have a longer time getting to know you during the conversation. Your response style is crucial.

9) Nodding your head

One way to demonstrate to the interviewer that you’re paying attention to and comprehending what they’re saying is to nod your head in response occasionally. This can convey to them that you’re enjoying the interview and value what they’re saying.

10) Put an end with a smile and a handshake

After your interview:

  • Gather your belongings calmly, rise smoothly, and smile at the interviewer.
  • If possible and convenient, shake hands with everyone in the room.
  • If you can’t shake hands with the hiring manager, at least shake hands with the person who escorted you to the interview. Maintain your focus in the present moment and resist the urge to reminisce on how the interview went. You must leave the interview as calmly as possible, and you don’t want any negative thoughts to interfere with that.

Body language during a job interview will play a significant role in your ability to get the job. Your awareness can provide you with another tool to help you ace your interview. As well, remember that practice makes a man perfect.

Ross Plotkin

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